The idea that marketers influence our culture to such a high degree really bothers me. But they do. Do you know anyone who has not now moved to considering a new diet or new way to organize their life? It's a sad but true state of consumer behavior. I have to admit, I am also contemplating going on a detox diet. And I'm considering how to reorganize my gluten free pantry to make all my flours more accessible and easier to work with. I think it's natural to emerge from the busy days of holiday preparations and festivities with a desire to clean out the old and bring in the new. But honestly do we have to let retailers dictate and influence our behavior to such a high degree?
I want to rebel! How should I do this? By not going on a diet and living in a messy cluttered house? I haven't figured out exactly how to rebel, if you have any ideas let me know. But one thing I know for sure, I do not look forward to all the extra people showing up at the gym in January. It makes it hard to get my spot in Pilates. Maybe the frenzy will wear off sooner this year. It's not nice for me to be so cynical about the new members new years resolutions. I AM very supportive of people trying to work out more, but the efforts never seem to last past the month of January. Perhaps I'll see you at the gym?